Positive Intentions Can Leave Negative Impact

We can have the best intentions and still have a negative impact on the people we care about. We have different backgrounds and unique perspectives, and we are going to make mistakes. It requires the person feeling the negative impact to be vulnerable enough to share how they feel. It requires the person making a mistake to clarify or apologize, creating more trust in the relationship. 

Check your assumptions.

It’s natural to make assumptions about intent. When that assumption is left unchecked, it can turn into an accusation, and the conversation can shut down with hard feelings or turn into a full-blown argument. Let's strive to remain curious by asking, “I'm working from these assumptions, what about you?” or “Can I say that back to you to make sure I’m clear?”

Response vs. Reaction

When someone asks to clarify information, how we respond is essential. Reacting with defensiveness is a big mistake. It means we are not staying open-minded. Responding means reflecting, acknowledging emotions, and practicing empathy. Emotions are our human antennas telling us what we need and want. We can’t have trusting relationships without being able to express how we feel.

Stay Curious

If we can enter conversations with curiosity and learn about the other person, we can have a positive impact.

Let’s talk. Contact us today to discuss what’s challenging you and how we can support you in navigating a path forward.


Bravery and Fear


Lifting Up Women Leaders